iCare Home Health is pleased to bring you the May 2018 issue of our Newsletter, a great source of news and updates about healthy aging, community events and family caregiving. Please share this with your friends and family. For past issues, visit our site https://www.icarehomehealth.ca/newsletter/
What Is Hypertension And Who Is At Risk?
It is possible to have hypertension for years without any symptoms. However, even without symptoms, damage to blood vessels and your heart will still take place. As we age, it is important to regularly visit a doctor to ensure that your blood pressure is under control. In the case of older adults, seniors may need live in care or some type of elder care support in order to ensure that they keep on top of medical appointments and any required follow up.
Signs And Causes Of Hearing Loss In Seniors
According to Statistics Canada, about 80 percent of adults between the age of 60 and 89 have hearing loss. An alarming fact is that hearing loss in seniors is gradual and the symptoms are often overlooked. A common concern of seniors’ caregivers and family members is that their loved one won’t be able to hear a smoke alarm, warning shouts, cars approaching, or a telephone or doorbell ringing. Learn More
Bladder Cancer Awareness: What You Need To Know
Bladder cancer is a disease in which cancer cells form in the tissues of the bladder. The fifth most common cancer in Canada, with close to 9,000 new cases every year, bladder cancer ranks as the fourth most common cancer in men and twelfth most common cancer in women*. Because bladder cancer is most frequently diagnosed in the older population, those supporting elder care, such as home care services and live in caregivers, need to ensure that they know what symptoms to watch for. Learn More
Mental Health Awareness: Signs And Symptoms To Watch For In Seniors
The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) reports that “By age 40, about 50% of the population will have or have had a mental illness.” The most common mental illnesses in seniors are dementia, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, and depression. In most cases, an older adult loved one can confuse the signs of mental illness as normal symptoms of old age, resulting in a lack of treatment.Learn More
Durham College AI Hub Showcases Health Espresso AI Feature on Research Day 2018
The use of Artificial Intelligence in home health care is an innovative approach to leveraging the new technology to support safe Aging In Place demographic.
16TH Annual Golf Tournament in Support of The Willow Foundation
Join 16th annual Willow Foundation Golf Tournament on Thursday May 17, 2018 at the beautiful Crosswinds Golf and Country Club.
All tournament proceeds go directly into the Willow Foundation, a local charitable organization committed to enhancing the lives of seniors and disabled adults in Halton region.
Last year our golf tournament allowed us to raise nearly $35,000 to support programs and services at Halton Region’s Long Term care homes and Adult Day Programs.
We hope to exceed that this year and we appreciate your support in achieving that goal! Learn More
iCare Home Health is a Proud Hole Sponsor
iCare Home Health receives recognition letters for
Small Business of the Year Award
CharterAbility –
An Evening on the Sixteen

iCare Home Health is a Proud Supporter
Brain Injury Society

Our 2018 Sponsor Package is available, HEREand see below for ticket and sponsor options.
iCare Home health is a Proud Sponsor
iCARE Expressive Art Program (iCEAP)
Expressive art making enriches our lives. Painting, drawing, and sculpture can be used to communicate ideas, stimulate the senses and touch our emotions. Have some fun by exploring the use of different art materials.
Expressive art making can have a positive effect on your health. The iCare Expressive Art Program (iCEAP) is a support service facilitated by our Artist in Residence. She is a practicing professional artist with graduate level training in counseling and art therapy. …Learn More
iCare Home Health and iCare Navigator endeavour to provide our clients the tools to help meet their varied health care needs. The services on the resources page are offered by community (private or non-profit), provincial or national agencies and could be accessed separately or in different combinations based on patient and family needs.
However we also know that every situations is different, and you may require iCare Navigator services to assess your personal situation! Nominal service fees maybe applicable for iCare Navigator support services. For more information, please complete and submit the “Contact an Advocate” form on this page.

Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, Milton, Georgetown and Toronto
Call for a Free assessment (905) 491-6941