iCare Home Health is pleased to bring you the November 2015 issue of our Newsletter, a great source of news and updates about healthy aging, community events and family caregiving. Please share this with your friends and family.
8 Ways to Manage Diabetes Naturally
Diabetes Mellitus (DIABETES) affects over 20 million Canadians, with 20 new people being diagnosed every hour…these numbers are staggering and growing!
Diabetes is classified as a “chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism characterized by high blood sugar and too much glucose in the urine.” It is a chronic and often fatal disease in which the body cannot produce insulin or cannot properly use the insulin it does produce. Insulin is a hormone that controls the amount of sugar in the blood . Read More
Many of us act as if we were indestructible. We put our health below everything else and promise that we will get to it one day. However, as we get older, it becomes clear that if we neglect our health, we will lose it. Your body can allow you to do amazing things but only if you take care of it. Here is a list of the essentials to keeping your body healthy:Read More
How to Stay Healthy during Cold & Flu Season!
Its that time of year again. We are spending more time indoors, windows are closed, germs are spread and before we know it, our healthy bodies are ridden with viral infections. Our immune systems get weak and….we get sick! How can we take a holistic approach to staying healthy this winter? Its all about keeping our immune system strong. Some simple tips seniors and home healthcare providers should know:Learn More
National Seniors Safety Week November 6 – 12.
Canada Safety Council pays special attention at keeping mature Canadians healthy, independent and safe. This awareness campaign and the diffusion of necessary information to enhance the safety of everyday living is a vital part of Canada Safety Council’s mandate.
The attached link provides a valuable resource on several topics including Maintaining a Dementia Friendly Home, Preventing Falls, Drug Safety for Seniors, Preventing Elder Abuse, Healthy Active Living and more. Read More
iCare Home Health
a Nominee for the
The OABE is a program of the Rotary Club of Oakville West in partnership with the Oakville Chamber of Commerce recognizing local entrepreneurs and businesses for the invaluable contribution they make to the Oakville community. The OABE gala dinner will take place on March 23, 2016
“We are grateful to a our team members who work hard everyday and are committed in heart and mind to live our brand values to deliver the best care possible to our clients. The nomination is a beautiful gesture in recognition of our Make a Difference effort in the communities where we live and serve. We are looking forward to hopefully winning our category Professional Service Provider of the Year Award“, says Rick Menassa, President, iCare Home Health.
Spotlight on Technology
Able Bionics takes bionic technology mainstream
1 of 100 Canadians use a wheel chair as a result of spinal cord injury, stroke, Multiple Sclerosis or other reasons.
While the technology has been available for some time, Able Bionics is at the forefront of training para and quasar pelagic sufferers on regaining their mobility and in the process, reducing 24 hour care to 2 to 3 hours every other day!
Mitchell Charles Brogan from London, ON, pitches his neuro-rehabilitation facility that uses bionic skeletons successfully Dragons’ Den. Watch Clip
In Our Community
Access Abilities Annual Remembrance Day Luncheon

Over 700 Veterans, their families, politicians of all stripes and levels of government, community members are invited to attend the Access Ability Annual Remembrance Day Luncheon.
The tireless Kristin Courtney and her amazing team do not miss a beat overseeing everything to the minute detail!
While we are honoured to take a very small part in helping out, our team leaves the event every year feeling rewarded and honoured to have been part of the event. We would like to take this opportunity for to salute the Access Ability team for this and all the other events they hold throughout the year. This Remembrance Day, take a moment to honour our veterans. Lest We Forget. Remember Them. www.accessabilities.ca
Bell’s “Let’s Talk Mental Health” Breakfast – Event/ Mississauga Board of Trade
The success of any company depends on the productivity and work performance of its human resources. Business leaders in today’s ever demanding world need to stay on top of emerging mental health solutions.
Speaker: Dr. Ian Dawe is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and the Physician-in-Chief at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences. At Ontario Shores, he provides leadership for medical professional practice and champions the quality and safety of medical practice and care at the Hospital.
When: Wednesday, November 4th, 2015
8:00 – 10:00 am
Holiday Inn & Suites, Mississauga
2565 Argentia Rd Mississauga ON L5N 5V4
Cost: $15 (MBOT members,, $25 non-member)
Sneak Peek Tour of the new Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital
Where you able to attend one of the Sneak Peek Tours of the New Oakville Hospital? the iCare Home Health team went on all 3 different routes and was very impressed with the detailed planning that went into every facet of the hospital. 80% of the room are single occupancy, top notch technology, several areas to to recuperate and enjoy the impressive landscaping and to the foodies..The new hospital has several options – all healthy- and a choice of the two largest coffee chains! Watch this space for more news. Take a Virtual Tour
Brain Injury Society 5K Walk/ Run
On October 3rd, approximately 400 Heroes showed gathered at Wilket Creek Park to support the Brain Injury Society annual fundraiser event.
The Flash, Batman and Superman were there along with iCare HH to cheer on or participate in the walk/ run. The preceding warm tunes set the mood for a good time that followed.
Thanks to all the sponsors for making the event a success.
iCare Therapeutic Art Program (TAP)
Expressive art making can have a therapeutic effect on a person’s health. This basic premise is the foundation on which we have developed the Therapeutic Art Program (TAP) as part of the iCare Cognitive Stimulation support service. The program is facilitated by an Artist in Residence who is a practicing artist with graduate level training in art therapy…Learn More
iCare Home Health and iCare Navigator endeavour to provide our clients the tools to help meet their varied health care needs. The services on the resources page are offered by community (private or non-profit), provincial or national agencies and could be accessed separately or in different combinations based on patient and family needs.
However we also know that every situations is different, and you may require iCare Navigator services to assess your personal situation! Nominal service fees maybe applicable for iCare Navigator support services. For more information, please complete and submit the “Contact an Advocate” form on this page.
Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, Milton, Georgetown and Toronto
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