…At Home? It’s all the Rage!

If you can’t go out and get the service, then why not bring it to you? With the onset of the internet, our society has become more about the “at home” convenience. Rather than going out and getting the services and products that we need, we prefer that they come to us; preferably in our own home. ebay, Amazon, and iTunes have all found their success in “at home” convenience. While these services are wonderful, the convenience-based model can be more advantageous in other industries. Let’s talk about home health care; more specifically, we will discuss bringing a home health care nurse directly into the home to care for your loved one.
Home health care is not a new concept, but it has been gaining traction as more people come to realize the benefits of having a nurse at home. So, what can you expect? What will the nurse provide? Well, depending on the service and package that you purchase, there are a number of things that may be offered to your loved one. Some services could include:
Basic Healthcare Assistance
Your loved one may need daily healthcare services that have to be administered by a professional such as wound management or hospital discharge and follow-up care. A qualified nurse at home can offer the same level of support and care as one in a facility, but they do it in the comfort of the home.
Foot Care at Home
The prevention of foot problems cannot be over emphasized, especially for seniors. Foot problems are very common in people with arthritis, circulatory problems or diabetes. Bedside foot care by a certified foot care nurse delivers valuable advice for clients who have particular problems looking after their feet that otherwise, unnoticed and untreated, can potentially lead to serious complications.
Medication Management
13% of hospital emergency admissions are due to mismanaged medication intake. Elderly patients can have complex medicinal needs and it may be hard for them to remember their multiple prescriptions. A nurse at home can help manage the dosage and refill the prescriptions for safer adherence.
Dementia and Alzheimer Care
Alzheimer and dementia patients require a higher-level of support that ranges from daily meal preparation, mental & physical stimulation and medication reminder to continence care and hygiene support. A personal support worker or in some cases, a live-in caregiver can offer comfort and safety in the home.
So, why get homecare as opposed to bringing your loved one to a facility? It’s a fair question. There are a number of advantages that homecare offers:
Sense of Dignity and Independence
Many seniors will balk at the idea of entering a care facility, even if they really need the care. They are afraid that they will lose their freedom and self-sufficiency if they move out of their environment. Many will sacrifice their comfort and health just to keep their independence. A caregiver at home, be it a nurse or a Personal Support Worker, will allow them to keep that freedom while having their healthcare needs met.
At home, memories live there
We are all most comfortable in our own homes. That’s where memories reside, marriages, births, celebrations and more. During difficult times, it offers a sanctuary that we need. Aging can be a traumatic experience for some. Staying in the home will comfort your loved one and allow them to keep a connection to their lives.
Peace of Mind
Knowing that there is a qualified nurse able to meet your loved ones medical needs in the home offers peace of mind, relieves fears and concerns knowing that your family member is being taken care.
If you are interested in discussing whether home healthcare works for you, please contact us for a free at home assessment. iCare Home Health provides premier in-the-home health care in Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, Milton and the Toronto Area. Our packages include Nurse at Home, Personal Support at Home, Care Package at Home, and Handyman at Home. Find out more how we can offer the best in Home Health Care.