Digital Health Trends – Where It Is Taking Us

Time to catch up on the latest digital health innovations, again! You may feel that last year’s research into digital health trends brought you up to speed, but things are moving at lightning-quick speed and not updating yourself may mean that you lose out on some important digital health information for yourself, and more importantly, for your elderly loved one. So, let’s take a look at some of the more significant digital health trends and how they are transforming healthcare:
Wearable Technology
Fitbit, Apple Watch, Pebble, Samsung Gear, new and more advanced wearable technology seems to pop up every month. Affordable and non-intrusive, wearable technology can help a user keep track of walking distance, heart rate, activity time, calories burned, water intake, sleep patterns, and more. It keeps getting better. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. As the technology improves, Health specific devices will empower users to keep track of real-time biometrics of their own bodies. Potentially, this can be used to help prevent possible future health issues. Of course, wearable technology cannot exist in a vacuum; it needs a platform to deliver the information, which brings us to…
Health Care Apps
Mobile apps have become the new big thing in healthcare. Accessible and user-friendly, these apps have proven to be especially advantageous for seniors and their health. By enabling Bluetooth and wearable technologies, mobile health care apps can provide real-time biometrics of elderly patients to family members and healthcare workers. By monitoring things like heart rate, glucose levels, and blood pressure, health events can be avoided. Apps can also remind patients of medication dosage, auto-refill medications with the pharmacy, and provide information on local healthcare facilities. Mobile health apps create the…
Decentralization of Healthcare Facilities
Traditionally, patients have relied on the closest, bricks-and-mortar healthcare facility. That is fine for city-dwellers, but it can be challenging for seniors who live in more isolated areas where even the closest doctor is several miles away. The digital revolution has made it possible to access healthcare from any location without leaving the home. This includes real doctor consultations that can occur via video through apps. The decentralization gives patients more choice and flexibility in choosing their healthcare providers and how it is provided. Of course, consultations may not always be made by humans as the digital trends move to…
Artificial Intelligence Making Healthcare Decisions
This topic makes some feel a little uncomfortable. But, it doesn’t have to. Robots are not going to replace human doctors, but rather enhance the healthcare provided. An AI could monitor a patient while they sleep at home; if it detects a serious drop in blood pressure or shallow breathing, it could make the decision to immediately contact emergency services. Outside of a hospital, a person cannot monitor a patient’s vital signs 24/7, but an AI can and make the important decisions.
These are just a few of the ways in which digital trends are improving the healthcare of our loved ones. It is time for you to take advantage of all the technology offers. At iCare Home Healthcare Services, we help lead the way in digital health services and chronic disease management. One of our newest initiatives, health espresso, uses the latest digital technology to enhance your loved ones care. Read more about it here. Serving the Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville and Burlington areas, iCare Home Healthcare Services offers the best in-home senior care that you can find. Contact us today and learn about our services.