Newsletter – June is Stroke Awareness Month!

iCare Home Health & Navigator June update


iCare Home Health    

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Your Lifestyle…
     for a Lifetime         
                                       June 2016

iCare Home Health is pleased to bring you the May 2016 issue of our Newsletter, a great source of news and updates about healthy aging, community events and family caregiving. Please share this with your friends and family.

June is Stroke Awareness Month!

Do you know the signs?
F.A.S.T. stands for:
  • Face drooping,
  • Arms heavy,
  • Slurred speech,
  • Time to call (is critical…act FAST!)
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death. A stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is blocked. Brain cells start to die causing disability and often death. That’s the bad news, the good news is that this can be prevented! 

There are factors such as age and heredity that are not in your control but the things that are in your control are weight, diet, exercise and life style – such as don’t smoke, keep alcohol consumption to a minimum and try to reduce stress as much as possible. Learn More

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
June 15

iCare Home Health recognizes the importance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEADD).
The first WEAAD was acknowledged on June 15, 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA). Now, ten years old, this important day continues to exist as a way to raise awareness around mistreatment of older adults. 
What is elder abuse? Elder abuse can be defined as any action that harms or jeopardizes an older person’s health or welfare. While most people associate physical abuse with this definition, it is important to note that elder abuse can also come in a variety of form including:

Finding The Right Home Health Care Agency.
Finding a loved one help with an elder care agency is often a good decision. It allows your loved one to receive round-the-clock healthcare while also bringing them into a mental and physical stimulation routine that will keep seniors happy and socially active. However, making that decision to locate the best healthcare agency is never an easy one. 

It is a process that can initially be fraught with anxiety, worry, and guilt. But, it doesn’t have to be. If handled properly, the route to finding the right care agency for your elderly loved one can be positive, constructive, and empowering. So, can your family navigate these tricky waters? Consider the following things:. Learn More

June Is Brain Injury Awareness Month
The brain is a fascinating organ! At one point, you were probably labeled as a ‘left’ brain or ‘right’ brain thinker – referring to the two hemispheres of the brain. When learning about the different lobes of the brain – remember they cover both hemispheres, and are responsible for specific functions depending on their location. Many of those functions hold the keys to who you are as a person.
Brain aware:
  • Your brain is a jelly-like organ made up of billions of cells called neurons.
  • Your brain has 100 billion neurons and 100,000 miles of blood vessels.
  • Neurons do not grow back. Once a neuron dies, it is gone forever.
  • The death of one neuron leads to the death of surrounding neurons, causing a cascade effect, which can result in new symptoms appearing months after an acquired brain injury occurs. Learn More

Spotlight on Technology

Blockchain in Healthcare
Jacob Boersma & Lucien Engelen at Our Future Health 2016

 BlockChain (Peer to Peer) technology..can it migrate from the financial services industry to health care? Encryption is already built in to maintain privacy. Watch Jacob Boersma & Lucien Engelen making a case for patients taking charge of their own health file then, granting access to their pharmacy, doctor, and/ or healthcare providers of choice and then revoking it if the contact is no longer required.

Innovative Tech Trends Reshaping Healthcare
Everywhere you look, it seems like technology has infiltrated just about every part of our lives.  Like it or not, there are significant benefits and improvements in every day life due to the continual growth in the technology field.
As our mission states, the iCare Home Health services team is committed to delivering the best in class personalized home health care services, empowering Canadians to live independently in their own homes, and improving the quality of life for our clients and their families. And so, we too are embracing the benefits of technology and using them to better meet our client’s needs. Learn More

iCare health espresso
Coming Soon

  • Receive, populate and track consumer medication intake through Bluetooth pairing.
  • Verbal alert consumer of medication usage information.
  • Audible reminder of medication dosage timing. 
  • Secondary user may be assigned to monitor medication intake and insure conformity.
  • Auto refill to consumer’s selected local pharmacy.
  • Real time tracking body readings such as blood pressure, pulse and more through bluetooth pairing.
  • Concierge Health approach to managing individuals’ health.
  • Locate nearest pharmacy, hospital or health facility using location based technology.
  • Health Espresso is cross platform with both Apple and Android. Watch this page for Launch Event Date

In Our Community

Walk for Alzheimer’s & Unforgetable Run

Mark your Calendars: Saturday June 4th, 2016 

The Walk for Alzheimer’s is Canada’s largest fundraiser for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. This 5K Walk is a way to celebrate life, honour a caregiver, or just get active while promoting awareness in the community.

The funds raised from this event will support the programs and services that are offered to the community by Alzheimer Society Peel. The number of individuals affected is only increasing and the need for additional services is growing too. Join and/ or Sponsor our iCare Navigators Team here
FREE iCare HH T-Shirts when you sign up while supplies last.

iCare Home Health is a Proud Sponsor of the 5K Walk/ Run event

CHARTERABILITY is a registered charity in Oakville Ontario helping people with disabilities, from children to seniors experience the multiple joys of getting out on the water. Their volunteer crew in 2015 helped 320 different groups/families on a tranquil 16 Mile Creek journey, even fishing trips! 

Join us on June 4th at 6:00 pm

for a nice evening by the water and help support a good cause. 

iCare Home Health is Proud Supporter of the event

Birdies for Brain Injury
2016 Birdies For Brain  

Two Foursomes Left! 

The Brain Injury Society of Toronto Annual Golf Tournament will be taking place on Friday, June 24th, 2016 at Lionhead Golf and Country Club in Mississauga. 

To register or to become a sponsor, please contact the BIST office at: 416-830-1485 or
Interested in supporting this year’s event – check out our Sponsorship Packages
iCare Home Health is a Proud Sponsor of the event

iCare Therapeutic Art Program (TAP)

Expressive art making can have a therapeutic effect on a person’s health. This basic premise is the foundation on which we have developed the Therapeutic Art Program (TAP) as part of the iCare Cognitive Stimulation support service. The program is facilitated by an Artist in Residence who is a practicing artist with graduate level training in art therapy…Learn More
iCare Navigator Resources
     iCare Navigator: 
Concierge Health – Coming Soon!
iCare Home Health and iCare Navigator endeavour to provide our clients the tools to help meet their varied health care needs. The services on the resources page are offered by community (private or non-profit), provincial or national agencies and could be accessed separately or in different combinations based on patient and family needs. 

However we also know that every situations is different, and you may require iCare Navigator services to assess your personal situation! Nominal service fees maybe applicable for iCare Navigator support services. For more information, please complete and submit the “Contact an Advocate” form on this page. 


       Our Services               

          Friend at Home (Companion)                Personal Support at Home (PSW)                                   

                  Genius at Home (Computer help)         Handyman at Home     

                          Veteran Affairs Canada Health Card Accepted   
           Burlington, Oakville, Mississauga, Milton, Georgetown and Toronto

         Call for a Free assessment (905) 491-6941

for a Free no obligation assessment 
tel: 905.491.6941
Give us a call today!