Osteoporosis Awareness: When To See Your Doctor

Few people realize they have osteoporosis before they suffer a serious bone fracture or break. While osteoporosis is sometimes called a silent disease because it is rarely recognized, it does have symptoms and can be identified before you suffer an injury. For osteoporosis awareness month in November, we want to spread awareness of osteoporosis symptoms. We’ll also talk about who should ask their doctor about osteoporosis, and what kind of support you can get for osteoporosis through our premier home care services.
Osteoporosis Symptoms
The symptoms of osteoporosis are often mistaken for normal aging. But once you’re aware of them, you’ll find that identifying potential symptoms of osteoporosis is simple.
- Loss of height: Those with osteoporosis lose bone density, which means their spine compresses and they get shorter.
- Back pain: Those with osteoporosis may suffer from back pain from fractures or outright collapse of vertebrae.
- Poor posture: The hallmark posture of those with osteoporosis is a stooped, rounded back.
It is hard to identify these symptoms in yourself. Through companion care, you may have someone nearby who can assess your posture and measure your height. Compare your measurements to your height as listed on your driver’s license. Although many people who experience back pain who do not have osteoporosis, it’s important to talk to a doctor to determine what’s causing your pain. It could be osteoporosis, or another serious condition.
Who Should Talk To Their Doctor About Osteoporosis?
If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor. Early cases of osteoporosis and its precursor, osteopoenia, often do not have symptoms. A doctor can measure your bone density with a test and know for sure if you have either condition or are at risk of developing them. Anyone can develop these conditions, so if you’re concerned you should ask your doctor for a test.
Find At-Home Support For Osteoporosis At iCare Home Health
If you’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopoenia, iCare Home Health offers premier home care services and companion care that can give you the support you need to build bone density through healthy recreational activity, recover from fractures, and stay safe while undertaking your daily routine. We also provide at-home nurse services for those who need more in-home support after a fracture or break. Contact us today to arrange a consultation.