The Do’s & Don’ts Of Dementia Care
Dementia care can be hard to navigate. Suddenly someone who is very familiar to you begins to behave unpredictably. You’ll find it’s more important than ever to create the right kind of environment for your senior. As dementia care experts in Pickering, Ajax, and Whitby, we understand the challenges you face, and we can help. For starters, here are some do’s and don’ts in navigating the many changes due to seniors and dementia.
Don’ts For Seniors With Dementia
- Quiz Them
It’s hard to accept that your loved one is struggling to remember key people and events from their lives. As challenging as that is for you, it’s even more so for them. Quizzing them about what they can and cannot remember increases negative feelings and stress.
- Feed Into Emotions
Those with dementia may have strong mood swings, and suddenly refuse to do something or start crying. It’s important to not turn these emotional swings into conflicts. If you do, they may escalate into aggressive behavior. Instead, follow our next tips to help resolve these challenging situations.
Do’s For Seniors with Dementia
- Acknowledge Their Perspective
You may be focused on what needs to be done to get throughout your day, like serving your senior dinner or helping them get dressed. But your loved one is focused on how they feel – acknowledging their feelings can help you get back on track. Look for compromises when you can. If you can’t, move to step two.
- Use Distractions
Dementia patients are easily distracted or redirected to calmer, more productive discussions and behaviors.
Visual cues for dementia patients are particularly effective. If your loved one is refusing to calm down, for example, you could ask them to hold something that relaxes them. A sudoku book, an iPad, or even their beverage glass may distract them from an aggressive outburst. We can provide you with more advice on how to use visual cues for dementia patients.
Get Professional Help
Thirdly – and perhaps most importantly – when you’re providing dementia care, be sure to reach out for professional help when you need it. At iCare Home Health we offer home dementia care that can make your loved one safer and more comfortable in their home. We can also take some of the stress off your shoulders from providing care for your loved one. We can help with seniors and dementia in Pickering, Ajax and Whitby. Contact us today to speak with one of our Home Care Specialists.