Home Health Care vs Assisted Living: How to Make the Right Choice?

You know that your elderly loved ones need more support than your family can provide on its own. Now, you have a choice: move your parents to an assisted living residence or hire a senior home care provider to fill in the gaps while your parents live at home. Which is the right choice for you and your parents? Here are some things to consider.
Elderly home care services are more flexible than the services provided at most facilities. In assisted living, your parents may need to give up activities they don’t want to, such as cooking or gardening. They also lost a great deal of independence, having to live by the residence’s schedule.
Compared to an assisted living facility, elderly home care provides all the services you expect, only more suited to your parents’ needs. There are some enormous benefits to this. It lets your parents lead an independent life, with the support of caregiving professionals. Moreover, you only must pay for the services that make a real difference to their lives, rather than choose a fixed package of services.
Professional Health Care
Elder home health care can include treatment from medical professionals such as nurses and chiropodists. Assisted living residences will have medical staff available, but potentially not the specific professions your parents need. What’s more, there will be only a handful of trained medical staff at an assisted living facility that must look after the needs of hundreds of seniors. Further, they may not have a choice about what nurse attends to them when they are at a care facility.
When you opt for home health care for seniors, you get to decide which professional comes to see your loved ones. You set the schedule and decide minutely who cares for them, for how long and what all they do.
What About the House Itself?
Families providing care for their elderly family members often don’t have the time for the upkeep of the elderly person’s home. Not only can this affect an elderly person’s safety and accessibility, it can even affect their future, as neglected homes will decrease in value.
With professional elderly home care, this can be taken care of for you. We have a Handyman-at-Home service where we provide maintenance on an elderly person’s home. We can fix minor issues such plumbing leaks to broken locks.
Professional Elder Home Health Care
It is challenging to take your parents out of an assisted living home and place them back in their home. This is especially true if they aren’t going back to their old home, but to a new one. iCare Home Health in Oakville helps make the transition and moves so much easier. With our flexible elderly home health care, we will help your parents settle into a new life faster and more comfortably. Call us at (905) 491-6941 to learn more about our home health care.