Resistance To Eldercare In Seniors, Why And How?
![Resistance To Eldercare In Seniors, Why And How?](
Resistance is a part of life. We get resistance from our children, at the workplace and even our own bodies will resist our desires while we exercise. Resistance has become such an accustomed part of life that we often don’t even think about it; we just work through it. The most frustrating resistance can come from someone we are trying to help. It is a topic that is not always comfortable but needs to be addressed: resistance to care by elderly loved ones.
It rears its head in many different shapes, but resistance to elder home health care usually comes in the form of stubbornness and a difficult attitudes. They may refuse to take medication or do exercises; you may see a deliberate campaign of missed appointments; in general, you will notice an increased level of surliness in your loved one.
This is all very normal. But, it can be trying and emotionally challenging for all involved. Sometimes, you will reach your limit and find yourself becoming angry with your loved one. In times like this, it is important to step back, take a breath, and ask yourself two very important, yet simple, questions:
Why is your loved one resisting the care? Are they just trying to make your life difficult? Of course they aren’t. While situations always vary, the root problems can usually be boiled down to a few issues.
The first is usually anger and frustration at their situation. Remember: your loved one spent the majority of their lives taking care of their families. Now, the situation is reversed. That can be frustrating and demoralizing for some seniors. They once carried the family and now they may feel as if they are a burden.
The second reason for resistance is the pain that your loved one may be feeling. When we are extremely uncomfortable, being pleasant is a priority. Finally, medications or illnesses may be altering your loved ones moods. Whatever the reason for the resistance, your loved one isn’t acting out of maliciousness.
So, how do you handle resistance with seniors while respecting the dignity of your loved one? Well, as one of the premium health care agencies in Burlington, Oakville and Mississauga, we use a variety of methods when encountering resistance including:
- Communication- Talk to your loved one and find out why they are resisting. They may have a good reason. Further, try involving them more in the process of their own care. It will make your loved one feel less like a burden and more in control.
- Path of Least Resistance- Seniors don’t like to feel that they are being forced into things. If they feel strongly about a topic and it isn’t vital, let the issue go. You don’t have to fight every battle.
- Family and Friends- Does your loved one have a soft spot for a good friend or a certain family member? Enlist help from someone who may help them feel safer or more comfortable in the situation.
- Professional Help- Sometimes the situation is serious enough that it warrants professional intervention. Reach out to those who have been trained to work with these types of situations.
If you feel that you have a situation where you could use some advice, always feel free to reach out to iCare Home Health. We offer a wide variety of Home Healthcare Services can help you and your loved one.