Top 3 Things to Look for When Looking for Alzheimer’s Care Help

Looking after an aging parent with Alzheimer’s or other dementias can be enormously challenging. Alzhiemer’s involves the loss of the ability to process thought and may include memory loss, difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or language. It’s a progressive disease which means that the symptoms will become worse over time at a rate which is more than might be expected from normal aging. While the early stages of dementia in seniors are manageable, in time, families need increasing amounts of support. Home care for seniors is an excellent way of bridging this gap, allowing the elderly person to stay in their own home where they’d rather be.
Selecting home care for seniors can pave the way for a better quality of life for your relative or friend with dementia and their families but it’s important to consider a number of things while choosing the perfect care. Here are our top 3 considerations:
1.Level of Care Needed:
Consider the level of care that you need to support your loved-one. You’ll need specialist support in the case of dementia in seniors. Do you want help with every day personal activities such as getting dressed, bathing and cooking or would a companion friend for conversation and supervision for only a few hours each day be more suitable?
2.Trained & Experienced Care Giver:
Make sure the home care company you choose is committed to training to look after seniors with dementia. They need a real understanding of the needs of people affected by the illness, knowledge about the different types and stages of the condition, and experience in helping people and their families cope with the challenges that dementia in seniors brings about on a daily basis. Care givers looking after seniors with dementia should have access to specialized training. You can be assured your loved one is with a trusted, well-qualified care giver.
3. Process & Procedures:
What emergency procedures are in place? First of all, make sure the agency itself is insured and bonded. Familiarize yourself with the agency’s sick and emergency policies and know what the protocol is if a caregiver is not able to make a scheduled visit or whether there’s always another care giver to step in to temporarily take their place. This way you can rest assured that your loved-one will never go without.
iCare Home Health can provide s a premier home care plan for services on an as-needed basis, be it hourly, live-in care on a 7 x 24 basis. For more information on Alzhiemer’s and Dementia help at home please contact us for a free assessment.