Why Medication Management Is So Important

Why Medication Management Is So Important

Seniors are at a much higher risk of misusing or forgetting their medication than younger adults. To compound the problem, an IIRP study has found that 66 percent of seniors are taking 5 to 10 prescription medications, which also increases their odds of forgetting or mistaking one. This is why it’s important to work with a nurse at home or medication management app as part of your home care plan.

Medication Management

Seniors Living Together

Even those seniors who still have their spouse can have medication management problems. One senior may be more cognitively aware than the other, but managing both people’s medications without error could be trouble for even middle-aged adults. Common mistakes include taking each other’s medications, taking the wrong dosage, or taking pills at the wrong time of the day.

Interactions & Missed Doses

Along with prescription medications, seniors might be taking herbal supplements, home remedies, or over-the-counter medications that can interact with their prescriptions. While their doctor or pharmacist may have warned them about these interactions, it’s easy for a senior to forget this and resume the remedies they may have been taking for years.

With so many medications, it’s also quite common for elders to forget what they should do if they’ve missed a medication. It’s not always straightforward. Some drugs require you take a double dose, some have you wait until the next dose, others have you take a half dose as soon as you realized you’ve missed it. It’s important to always talk to a registered healthcare provider if you need help managing your medication.

Another helpful medication management tool is iCare’s Health Espresso app. It provides seniors with audible reminders about their medications, including dosage. The app also allows family members to view their loved one’s medication history and vital signs. Learn more and download it for free for iOS and Android.

iCare Home Health: Nurse At Home Services & Professional Home Care In Mississauga, Burlington, Oakville & Milton

Any of these common medication management errors could have a big impact on your loved one’s health. A nurse at home and home care in Mississauga, Burlington, Oakville, or Milton can also help seniors manage their multiple medications to ensure they stay healthier, longer. Explore iCare Home Health’s comprehensive at home services and arrange a consultation today.


President of iCare Home Health Services, a community based, boutique home health care company dedicated to serving the needs of our customers to maintain their quality of life and dignity while they recover from illness or age at the comfort of their own home.